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Sách Tiếng Đức >> Vagbhata’s Astangahrdayasamhita

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  • Tên sách : Vagbhata’s Astangahrdayasamhita
  • Tác giả : Clause Vogel
  • Dịch giả :
  • Ngôn ngữ : Anh
  • Số trang : 281
  • Nhà xuất bản : Kommissionsverlag Franz Steiner Gmbh Wiesbaden
  • Năm xuất bản : 1965
  • Phân loại : Sách Tiếng Đức
  • MCB : 1210000003509
  • OPAC :
  • Tóm tắt :



          After Heinrich Laufer’s Beitrage zur Kenntnia der Tibetischen Medizin (Berlin, 1900) had been for decades the only comprehensive if preliminary work on the topic, the study of Lamaist healing-art has received of late a new and unexpected impulse from three publications, each of which is meritorious in its own individual way: Cyrill von Korvin-Rrasinski’s strictly scientific Tibetiache Medizinphilosophte (Zurich, 1953), Theodor Btjrang’s mainly popular Tibetiache Heilkunde (Zurich, 1957), and Ilza Veith’s richly illustrated Medizin in Tibet (Leverkusen, 1960). What is still a desideratum—though it should properly be the starting-point of any such research—is a complete edition and translation of the rGyud bzi, the standard book of Tibetan medicine, which is supposed to have been adapted from a now lost Sanskrit original by the Kashmirian physician Candranandana about the middle of the 8th century A.D., and which is said to have been written by none other than Kumarajivaka, the famed contemporary of Buddha Sãkyamuni. The indispensable condition, however, of a correct understanding of the rGyud bzi is an intimate knowledge of Tibetan medical terminology, which in its turn can be acquired only by closely comparing an extant medical Sanskrit text of some length with its Tibetan counterpart. No work seems better suited for this pur­pose than Vagbhata’s Astãngahrdayasamhitã, the only representative description of Indian medicine incorporated into the Lamaist canon.

           The plan to bring out a critical edition of the Tibetan Astãngahrdayasamhitã, a specimen of which—along with the original Sanskrit, a literal translation, and a running commentary on the translating-technique—is now placed before the learned public, was conceived in the winter of 1958—59, during a prolonged stay at the International Academy of Indian Culture in New Delhi, where the present writer made a com­plete transcript of the text from the Peking xylograph: a tedious job that was, however, well paid in the end since the Japanese photomechanical reprint, like the Narthang xylograph, turned out to be difficult to read in many places. It is intended to publish all 120 chapters in Sanskrit, Ti­betan, and English and to prepare a trilingual glossary of the medical terminology that may serve, as it were, for a master-key to the locked treasures of Lamaist healing-art.

            In concluding, the author wishes to express his sense of obligation to Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Rau for the indefatigable support given at all stages of this work; to Dr. Wolfgang Voigt of the State Library, Marburg, and the staff of the India Office Library, London, for the prompt services rendered in the procurement of urgently needed books; and, last but not least, to Mr. William Fielding Hatton for a stylistic check-up on the Introduction.

             Marburg, June 25, 1963                                       CLAUS VOGEL




  1. Introduction
  2. Vagbhata’s works in general and the question of their authenticity
  3. Traditional views
  4. Cordier’s view
  5. Jolly’s view
  6. Hilgenberg-Kirfel’s view
  7. Vagbhata’s circumstances of life
  8. His origin
  9. His date

III. Yagbhata’s Astangahrdavasamhita

  1. Its commentaries and their authors
  2. Synopsis
  3. Arunadatta
  4. Indu
  5. Candranandana
  6. Hemãdri
  7. Others
  8. Its later history
  9. Excerpts and summaries
  10. Manuscripts
  11. Editions

iii. Its Tibetan version

  1. Reason why translated and canonized
  2. The colophon
  3. The translating team
  4. Rin-chen-bzan-po
  5. Xylographs used for this edition
  6. Chone
  7. Derge
  8. Narthang
  9. Peking
  10. Their stemmatical relationship
  11. Principles followed in this edition
  12. Corruptions
  13. Sanskrit variants to be inferred
  14. Interpolations to be detected
  15. Remarkable interpretations
  16. Some aspects of the translating-technique
  17. Circumlocution
  18. Redundancy of speech
  19. Fluctuation of terminology
  20. Ambiguity of nomenclature
  21. Incongruity of expression
  22. Replacement of unsuited words
  23. Verbalization
  24. Handling of word-order
  25. Sanskritisms
  26. Faithfulness
  27. First chapter
  28. Second chapter
  29. Third chapter
  30. Fourth chapter
  31. Fifth chapter
  32. Bibliography, abbreviations, sigla
  33. Appendix (to Introd. 4)